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NEWS: Sexy Felon Jeremy Meeks Is Out Of Prison And Ready To Hit The Runway!



Remember that buff mixed-raced blue-eyed criminal that had everyone’s knickers getting fizzy way back in 2014? Yeah he had the best mugshot since Lindsay’s first criminal offence. Not to mention THAT dick pic that went viral…

Well, now mandem is back on road and meeting with industry people – as confirmed by his official Instagram:

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with the caption: “I want to thank my family and everybody for all your love, support and prayers. I’m overwhelmed and grateful for what lies ahead.”

Lord knows how that mother fucker got a blue tick from the inside; that’s some illuminati shit. And also by what his agent (yep, swear down) told BuzzFeed yesterday (March 9th):

“We’re in talks with a lot of different agencies. There’s movies on the table. We have a lot of different things happening.”

MOVIES? We hope you’re talking porn, honey. After all, they already released Straight Outta Compton. But word through the grape vine is that they do need a rough and ready hood rat for a dirty cop and robber flick made by Falcon Studios. *Wink*.

Well, we’re sure the sheepish fashion industry will jump on board quicker than they nabbed Kendal Jenner. But hey, as long there’s some underwear campaigns, can we really complain? DOLCE, GET HIM IN A PAIR OF BRIEFS, STAT.

[H/T: Instinct]

MAN CANDY: Footballer Fabio Ceravalo Caught Flashing His Italian Sausage [NSFW]


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Now, you don’t have to be an Oracle to know that our knowledge of football extends as far as ‘locker room porn’ on XTube. But, from 10 minutes on a Google image, what we’ve learnt is that Fabio is one of those guys, that could be really hot with good lighting and a decent barber. Hack off the curtains hun, this is not 1998. And even then they weren’t cool.

And sorry, I know y’all came here for the dick, but can I question that bathroom that looks like a flatshare in Walthamstow. Do Italian footballers not get overpaid like our ones?







[H/T: Omg]

MAN CANDY: TOWIE Boys Strip Down, Strut Through Essex In Mankinis


Just a couple weeks after Pete Wicks’ lawyer came for us for posting nude selfies, he’s bowling through Brentwood in the buff (well, basically). But the tattooed hunk was joined by Lockie, newbie ego Michael Hassini, and the two brothers with the hats. They’re all quite fit to be fair, just a couple of them need to be introduced to the squat rack…





NEWS: There’s A Freaky Free-Baller On The Loose (LITERALLY) On London’s Gay Scene [NSFW]


We all know someone that can’t keep it in his pants, but this is ridiculous! Well, what’s so bad about going commando every now and then, you might think… But this is not a one-off, this is a serial public exhibitionist. In videos posted to Tumblr, the same guy can be seen at three different locations; most obviously Ku Bar, then crossing over to The Yard, and finally somewhere that could be Comptons. Same trainers, same watch, same ugly t-shirt. What are the bets that beer on the table is for the cameraman?

Somebody think they’re Paris Hilton circa 2006.

BLOOP – caught you hun. Wonder who it is… Tag a hoe if know her!





LIP SERVICE: There’s Now A New Sex Toy That Performs Oral Sex On Men



Claiming to be the most “realistic oral sex simulator” ever, Sqweel XT is the new pleasure device on the market for men to get off when their partner’s got lock-jaw… Or just the hump. The toy uses 10 oscillating turbo tongues which rotate at three different speeds. Sounds like it might even give better head than people who couldn’t be clueless ’bout sucking a dick.


The toy is so small, you can carry it in your pocket, which could prove problematic for employers. Or in fact, anybody that wants a man’s attention. Wonder if it will affect the number of guys on Grindr on a Sunday afternoon.

After seeing a 20% increase in male sex toys, the makers Lovehoney are hailing 2016 as the year of toys for men.

Check out the promo video below:

MAN CANDY: Hot Tattoo Hunk Gets Naked (Again) To Wish You A Happy Weekend [NSFW]


Earlier this week, we introduced you to our new Tumblr obsession; hot, inked and naked — just how we (and you) like ’em. And we’ve dug up another video just in time for the weekend. You can be sure after this video it just got a lot better…

After posting about him on social media, it wasn’t long before he was named as porn star, Billy Essex. We’ll let you conduct your own searches, but until then: HAPPY FRIDAY.


Would YOU Rub This Product On Your Balls For Better Boners?


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The quest for greater girth and longer schlongs apparently continues, as it’s reported that men are now smothering their ballbags in testosterone gel to enhance their love life. Though the Daily Star reports that the hormone is actually a Class C drug… There’s enough blokes shoving class A up their noses, can’t see why a little Class C on the testes would hurt.

The gel which is used is apparently also present in roll-on deoderants. Cut to crowds of blokes vigorously rubbing the testers at Boots all over their hairy sacks. The gel is also used frequently by bodybuilders to provide extra testosterone, which aids muscle growth. But users of Reddit are boasting about their “fifth grade” erections, and being “horny as hell” as a side effect. While some men are obtaining the drug through prescriptions of their doctor, others are buying it illegally on the black market.


The gel can also be rubbed into the stomach, chest or shoulders, but is twice as effective on your nads because the skin is thinner. Reported effects of using the gel include energy, muscle mass, less fat, greater sex drive and an overall sense of well being. Sounds like GBL, if you ask us. Basically caressing this stuff into your bits is the same as a 1.5.

But with any up, there’s always a down. Obviously, you don’t know what you’re buying off the internet for a start. But you can also experience spots, painful erections, paranoia and aggression. Oh honey, a bit of aggression in the bedroom never hurt nobody. Well, actually…

But it’s could also cause baldness, big tits and prostate problems. So you may feel like an Adonis and fuck like a porn star, but do moobs and male pattern baldness actually attract anyone? Hmm, not sure that it’s worth the risk, especially when there’s entirely safe products that promise similar results.

WATCH: A World Where Straight People Talk Like Gay Men [Video]


Imagine a world where straight people spoke like gay men… YASS QUEEN? Or, no hunty?

That chick sitting at the foot of a tree, “anyone got any G?” (Firstly, I love her).

But is that a different world from the world we live in? I’ve seen countless fag hags do that, although granted their usually sitting on someone’s living room floor. Maybe the hags in the US don’t get stuck in like the Brits.

I think this video can successfully conclude that we are RIDICULOUS. If you don’t understand some of the terms in the video, check out our guide to hook-up slang below:

NEWS: Man Pumped Silicone Into His PENIS Until It Weighed 10lbs, Says “It’s Great”



A lot of men wouldn’t knock an extra oompft in the underwear department, but it seems some men are willing to go that extra mile. Rubbing testosterone gel on your nuts is one thing, but silicone injections are a whole different ball game (no pun intended). Meet Micha Stuntz, the Berlin-based, 45-year-old with a 10lb penis. For those of you who aren’t exactly a whiz with the metric system; that’s the weight of an average cat. Though we’re sure what’s in his trousers couldn’t be further from a pussy.

Now, just to get a little (or not) technical, it measures in at 9 inches long, and 5.5 inches wide – according to the Mirror. Hold on… “wide” – does that mean AROUND? Or from one side of the shaft to the other? *gulp*. But even though it limits him sexually (am sure there are plenty of prolapses willing to give it a go), he’s become more “creative” in the bedroom, and is “ready to play”.

Sounds like he’s not hung up about it at all.

Filming a short doc for Vice (over a year ago), called Monster Meat, Stuntz tells them, “I’m actually a pretty shy person”. Yeah babe, you looked like a right wallflower letting people grope your bulge at Folsom Street Fair… Just saying.

And is it just us, or does that package look WAY too big for even the measurements he gave? Hmm… Must be the BALLS. We’re gonna need to see actual photos, please.


Watch MONSTER MEAT, here:

(You may wanna put the subtitles on).

MAN CANDY: Justin Bieber Flaunts Toned Torso For Latest Calvin Klein Shots


Bieber is back baring his bod for Calvin Klein’s latest campaign for #MyCalvins. The pop star, who posed in just his boxer briefs earlier this year, returns looking much sexier than he did before. Most probably because he’s got that awful dye and cut job covered up by a snapback. Props to the stylist for that one.

Little bit of facial hair and a few hearty meals and he’ll be a right sort.




[H/T: Attitude]

Generation Z Reject Sexual Labels And & Gender Identities, Study Reveals


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The latest study conducted on fixed gender and sexual identity has revealed that less than HALF of the participants identify as exclusively heterosexual. The new stats come from a study conducted by J Walter Thompson Innovation Group, that found only 48% of Generation Z (13 – 20 year-olds) are solely interested in a partner of the opposite sex. While 56% know someone who goes by gender-neutral pronouns.

The study highlights are relatively prominent change of attitudes compared to the Millennials (28 – 34 year-olds). 38% now believe that gender does not define someone, compared to the latter of 23%. The percentafge of Generation Z that are buying clothes/fragrances/products geared towards their specific gender has also decreased dramatically.

Shepherd Laughlin – director of trend forecasting at the Innovation Group – says, “It’s true that Millennials are progressive on gender issues—they changed the national conversation on gay marriage, for example…

…But Gen Z goes further, showing a much more nuanced and non-binary view of gender which has wide-ranging implications both for their personal identity and the products they buy.”

It’s great that our society is heading towards a less label-fixed outlook, and acceptance of gender fluidity, and only sparks more interest as to what will come after Generation Z…

WTF?! Here’s Some X-Rays Of The Weird Shit People Use During Sex

Aerosol can

Aerosol can

You’ve all heard those off-key urban legends about some man that lives on farm who got something strange stuck up his rectum. It’ll usually be published by such sophisticated publications as Love It! Or The Daily Star, with a heading like, ‘I’M SO FAT I THOUGHT I WAS CONSTIPATED AND FOUND MY CAT UP MY ARSE’. And now thanks to So Bad, So Good – here’s a collection of X-Rays that reveal some very unique objects used for sexual gratification. I mean, it’s easily enough done, isn’t it? One minute you’re cracking one out to Porn Hub and the next minute you’re down the ER because you’ve got a can of deoderant inside you.

Here’s our faves, but other items included a door key, an eggplant, butt plugs and a pestle. See them here.

A decapitated barbie doll:

Obviously you wouldn’t shove it up your poop chute with the head still on… that would be weird.


A glass bottle:

This what happens when a loosey goosey thinks they’re still tight, and uses the mini Jacob Creeks.


Buzz Lightyear toy



Jar of coffee:

How’s that to wake you up on a Monday morning



Imagine having an arsehole sing xxxx – oh wait…



Who the fuck? How?



MAN CANDY: Can We See Prince Harry’s Crown Jewels In This Photo? [NSFW-ish]

Ariana Grande Is Doing Celebrity Impressions Again – And NAILING It As Per [Video]


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Ariana Grande is famous for a number of reasons; catchy pop songs, sexy pedophilic image, licking a donut, getting smacked in the face by a Victoria Secret Angel’s wing, and only being photographed from the left side. But one of the reasons we’re really living for, are her celebrity impersonations. We all know she can do Britney, Christina and Celine. And on this week’s Saturday Night Live, she nails Whitney, Shakira, and even RiRi. Wonder if she can do the voices talking too? What do we have to do to get an entire sketch show with all of these characters played by Ariana Grande shading each other out?

Here’s A Slow-Motion Cock Flapping Around – Because, Why Not? [NSFW]

New Web Series ‘Worship Trans’ Explores Religion Amongst The Trans Community



A new docs-web-series from creative collective OUR CLTR, delves into how religion and its traditional views affect the lives of key figures from the trans community. ‘Worship Trans’ speaks with Dani Gibbison, Munroe Bergdorf, Mzz Kimberly, Elisa Mastrangeli, Leng Montgomery, and Fox Fisher, asking them what their understanding of religion is. 

“Religion has always played a part in both building and destroying communities throughout history. As society evolves and our acceptance for diverse lifestyles is no longer based on the black and white teaching of a religious script, ‘Worship Trans’ brings two unlikely bedfellows together in the form of the transgender community’s opinion on orthodox religion and what part it plays, if any, in their lives.” 

Religion has always been a fiery topic, so it will be interesting to see the relationship between traditional religion and those who seem so evolved from it’s old-fashioned ideals. 

The series will also be accompanied by a print Zine, which will feature comments, photos and illustrations. The Zine is being funded by a Kick Starter, which you can donate to from HERE.

WATCH: Two Sexy DNA Models Get Naked For ‘Steak & Blowjob Day’ Shoot [Video]



Shout out to all the broke singles who be eating streaky bacon and having a cry wank today! But, if you don’t have a man to grill you up a beefy bit of sirloin before tucking into your own meat – our friends at DNA Magazine have got your back. While S&BJ day seems primarily a heterosexual-aimed holiday, DNA have thrown together a sexy shoot catered for the gays, complete with a behind the scenes video.

Shot by Christian Scott, the tagline reads: How do you like your meat?


Toby Murphy of DNA says, “it was one of the hardest shoots we’ve ever done”… Yeah, we bet *smirk*.

So what happens behind the scenes on an oiled-up DNA set?

HINT: It involves naked men.

And damn, those are some good looking Aussies!


WATCH: Funny Viral Of Hot Guys Talking About Their Favourite Gym Equipment [Video]

WATCH: Sexy Soldier Goes Viral Stripping For Cheeky Pole Dance [NSFW-ish]


Ever wondered what happens on when the soldiers are off fighting for their country? Well, wonder no more. Apparently it’s all lap dances and strip shows – just like we fantasized. We’d happily be in the Front Line for that kind of action.

We reckon his tent mates were definitely standing to attention after this, not to mention firing loads like machine guns when the camera stopped rolling. Could’ve kept them on for us to see the weapon of mass destruction though, init.


MAN CANDY: Pietro Boselli Goes Fully Naked For Emporio Armani – NEARLY!



Well, Pietro Boselli is certainly getting himself a few gigs these days – and thankfully the industry has realised, that, quite frankly, he looks better without the clothes. And his latest campaign for Armani sees him mincing around in a pair of trackies, as well as going naked for a skinny dip; but the question remains – is that his other leg behind the one in the foreground, or something else? *wink*






[H/T: Attitude]

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