MAN CANDY: Nick Jonas — An Ode to the Bulge, the Biceps & the Butt
WHY are so many people obsessed with Nick Jonas? Well, on the day of his 24th birthday we decided to take a closer look. And we’re fairly certain you won’t waste any time joining us. JUMBO! We’ve...
View ArticleCheck Out the Trailer for this Independent Gay Sauna Zombie Flick [Video]
A few months back at the BFI Film Festival we viewed a trailer for Sauna The Dead: A Fairytale, the upcoming zombie flick set in a gay sauna – and now it’s finally online for you lot to peer through...
View ArticleMAN CANDY: Big Brother’s Dale Howard went Full Frontal as Baywatch Stripper...
Remember Dale Howard from Big Brother them years back? Totes hot, little bland… Well baby vanilla added some nuts and cream (and baby lotion) to mix. Who knew he had a hidden talent all those years?!...
View Article25 Controversial Memes You’ll Only Find Funny if You’re a Hot Trashy Mess
CALLING ALL THE HOT TRASHY MESSES! *Whispers* “You’re a mess” Glad you finally made it. Take a break from whatever party you’re at/comedown you’re dying from, and divulge on some totes-tickling memes...
View ArticleMAN CANDY: Brazil’s “Hottest Security Guard” Caught Waving his Truncheon...
The hunk who was branded “World’s Hottest Subway Guard” has been caught showing his Long Arm of the Law. Thousands of thirsty web users were sent into a meltdown seeing Guilherme Leão policing the...
View ArticleFAGONY AUNT: “My Boyfriend Says I’m ‘too Eager’– How Can I Make Him Work for it?
Dear Fagony Aunt, I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years, although we were sleeping together for a few years before that. We live together, work full time jobs and are both in our twenties. We...
View ArticleVIRAL: X Factor Fans Lose Their Shit over Dermot O’Leary’s Bulge [Video]
We once crowned it as one of the top 10 reasons people tune into X Factor – and this year Dermot O’Leary’s bulge is proving that the flailing TV show still has some talent. The presenter, who is known...
View ArticleVIRAL: Fitness Model Demonstrates the Art of Naked Press-Ups [NSFW-ish]
We love fitness. We love naked men. So it’s no surprise that we’re always happy to see guys working out without their gym kit on. Recently, we saw one bootyilicous gym bunny working those glutes,...
View ArticleGossip: The Cracks are Starting to Show in LogoTV’s Shitshow ‘Finding Prince...
GOSH. You lump a load of gay guys together on a reality dating show and all you get in a load of drama… Who’d have thought it? Oh yeah, that’s right, everyone. In a fairytale quest to find Prince...
View ArticleGOSSIP: Everyone’s Talking About Kevin Spacey’s Totally Platonic Emmys Date...
Kevin Spacey was nominated for his role in House of Cards at this week’s Emmys, and we expect audiences were cheering him on for the win. Spacey, who’s been playing the role of a straight man for...
View ArticleNEWS: Straight Guy goes to Gran Canaria, Cries about Number of Gays on Trip...
You know when you’re booking a holiday, you research the location, the hotel and most certainly, the country as whole? Sure. Because anyone who’s spending hundreds of pounds on a vacation abroad does...
View ArticleMAN CANDY: Russian Underwear Model Anatoly Goncharov is Exactly what We’ve...
The cover shoot of this month’s Oh La La mag, sees the studly Anatoly Goncharov laying in a bale of hay with his arse in the air. Didn’t we mention we’ve always loved farming? (Or was it, hoeing?)...
View ArticleVIRAL: Italian Fighter Accidentally Exposes Opponent’s Peen During Fight [NSFW]
Isn’t it just a beautiful act of God when sportsmen accidentally expose their bits during a game? Erm… Yahh. It’s like finding a tenner in a pair of jeans that you’d forgotten about. We recently posted...
View ArticleMAN CANDY: Inked & Furry Daddy Turns up the Heat in Sticky ‘Ice Cream Summer’...
It’s the main reason we love summer; lack of clothes, closely followed by making out with various ice cream-based treats. Because don’t eve lie to us that you haven’t sat in park in the height of...
View ArticleVIRAL: Olympic Divers Chris Mears & Jack Laugher Guess Each Other’s Bulges &...
Olympic divers Jack Laugher and Chris Mears are in the studio for journalist and gossip personality Dan Wootton’s Facebook feed. Although Dan Wootton isn’t there, it’s left the pair a series of...
View ArticleBoys of Summer: Here’s a Whole Bunch of Hot Hunks Stripping off in the Sun...
It’s “officially” the last day of summer (September 22nd). Now, we’re not really sure what that means in retrospect to the weather, because it makes as much sense as Rita Ora being the judge of ANTM....
View ArticleMAN CANDY: Dieux Du Stade Unveil Steamy Trailer for 2017 Naked Calendar
The Dieux Du Stade caused quite the stir with their NSFW calendar shoot last year; primarily due to images of rugby player Sylvian Portard – that went viral, before the resurfacing of his porn past....
View ArticleMAN CANDY: Buff Argentinian Hunk Santiago Romeo Serves Beard, Body & Bulge in...
As far as we know Santiago Romeo doesn’t have a huge portfolio, but with results like these we can’t imagine there’ll be a lack of photographers queueing up to shoot him. Or shoot on him. The...
View ArticleFAGONY AUNT: “My Ex-Girlfriend wants to get Back Together, but I Banged her...
I’m a 20-year-old guy and I was in a relationship with a girl who I thought was amazing. But six months after we started seeing each other, she cheated on me and I ended things. Now she wants us to...
View ArticleMAN CANDY: Furry Hunks in the Buff for Sexual Loverboy Shoot [NSFW-ish]
A few days ago we introduced you to the sexy silver fox Anthony Varreccia, shot by Venfeild8 – and this time he’s bring you a double helping with two beefy blokes playfully posing in a seductive...
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