‘Eastenders’ Ben Mitchell asks his MUM for a Dark Room in Her Gay Bar
Eastenders viewers were left shocked (the heterosexual ones at least), when Ben Mitchell (the one that’s been replaced more often than a Sugababe) mentioned adding a dark room to the newly opened gay...
View ArticleLet’s Bombard Boston’s ‘Straight Pride Parade’ with Queers
Straight people have gone from asking where their Pride parade is to actually demanding one. Event co-ordinator and Trump supporter (obviously!) Mark Sahady was so offended that we celebrate...
View ArticleThis Girl’s Hilarious Annihilation of ‘Straight Pride’ is Perfect
There have been a lot of thoughts since it was said that Boston would host a Straight Pride, but none are quite as satirical or as spot-on as Eva Victor’s. The Brooklyn-based funny gal Eva tore into...
View ArticleThis Bootylicious PT’s Naked Workout will Have You Running to the Gym
If – like us – you’re struggling to get yourself down the gym for that summer body, then you may want to think about hiring a personal trainer. Although, sadly, they don’t all come like Dan Tai. The...
View ArticleThis Adult Entertainment Company Knows its Ads Annoy the Hell Out of You
“MMM… YoU wAnNa SeE mE tAKe a HUgE diCk iN mY aSS dON’t yOu?!” It’s the adult advert many of us are all too familiar with; a handsome guy talking directly to the camera while riding a faceless bloke in...
View ArticleFrench Reality Star Steven Bachelard’s Steamy Shower Shoot Revealed!
*This post originally claimed Steven was Italian based on a source that reported he was of Italian origin, this has since been corrected. It seems the concept of reality TV is similar in Europe as it...
View ArticleRenee Zellweger is Flustered and Flattered to be a Gay Icon
Reneé Zelwegger has spoken about being a ‘gay icon’, and it’s adorable. After playing Bridget Jones, Roxie (Chicago) and Judy Garland, Zellweger seemed to have no idea that the gays loved her! And...
View ArticleBilly Porter Vents About Straight Actors Playing Gay to Straight Actors Who...
Pose star Billy Porter is getting real about straight actors playing gay to the straight actors who have done it. And we thought bumping into someone we shagged in the supermarket was awkward. “Being...
View ArticleBrad Pitt Wants Nothing to do with ‘Straight Pride’
The right-wing organisers of Straight Pride in Boston, Super Happy Fun America, got a shock this week when their “mascot” Brad Pitt denounced their agenda. Bloop! The Hollywood Reporter confirmed...
View ArticleSNAPS: Matthew Camp’s Rump, Jack Fowler’s Manspread, Hotties Half-Naked AIDS...
Tyson Beckford was grinding… we don’t think that’s the same as Grindr-ing View this post on Instagram The work never stops. Gotta keep grinding no matter what. Shoutout to @trifectasystem for keeping...
View Article‘The Flash’s Grant Gustin Presents his Booty in Hot Tub
The Flash‘s superpower may be his lightning speed, but it seems he’s also got a pretty super ass too. The show’s breakout star Grant Gustin, demonstrated that he knew exactly how to arch his back in...
View Article‘Pose’ Star Indya Moore is Assaulted by a Trump Supporter in Shocking Video
Indya Moore she was just as strong as her Pose character Angel when she stood up to a Trump supporter, in recently emerged footage. In a dispute which seems to have started before the camera began...
View ArticleCould Sexuality Rumours Foil Richard Madden’s Bid to be Bond?
Hiiiieee! This post is reserved for Patrons who support C&C with a small monthly contribution. Most of the site will remain free, but by donating $3 a month via Patreon, you'll keep the site online...
View ArticleNSFW: Austin Armacost: “I’m Not a Sugar Baby, But I am an Ass Man”
*This is an exclusive, any quotes used from this interview must link to C&C So tell us about your decision to get an OnlyFans site… I decided to do OnlyFans because I struggled for a long time...
View ArticleLeft-Handers More Likely to be Gay
There are a lot of things that make boys more likely to like other boys: an interest in playing with dollies over action men, or walking really fast, and now apparently being left-handed. That’s...
View ArticleBotswana Decriminalises Gay Sex
African LGBT+ rights campaigners have proved triumphant after the High Court of Botswana announced it would get rid of laws criminalising gay sex, in a landmark decision. “Any discrimination against a...
View ArticleThis Compilation of Mighty Hoopla Perfectly Captures a Day of Camp Nostalgia
If you couldn’t get to Mighty Hoopla this last weekend, you don’t know what you missed! Actually, with this compilation vlog, maybe you will. The ultra-camp festival in Brockwell Park has been dubbed...
View Article‘Love Island’s Tommy Fury Showers in White Boxers
This year’s Love Island got off to a popular start with even more people watching the show than last year; we’re still a few episodes behind (because, life) but so far we’re enjoying how the producers...
View ArticleCurtis Pritchard is Too Damn Thicc
One of the stand-out cast members of this year’s Love Island‘s cast is Curtis Pritchard. And not just because he’s AJ Pritchard’s brother. Pritchard is without a doubt the cheesiest hunk on this...
View ArticleHalsey Wears Assaulted Lesbian Couple on T-shirt, gets Crowd to Shout “I Am...
Last night, singer Halsey wore a t-shirt with a print of the lesbian couple who were assaulted on public transport, to a gig in the area where the assault happened. She also made a powerful speech to...
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