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How You Know When You’re Fucking With A Fuckboy



Fuck boy; originally the term was just a throwaway insult for a no-good man, like ‘scrub’ or ‘loser’. But with misinterpretation across the world wide web, it’s developed to having deeper meaning that refers to a man that doesn’t care about, or know how to treat, his partner. A bit like a player, but oh so much worse. We recently spoke about what makes a gentleman, and now we’re discussing the opposite…

Plans that never materialise

Holidays to the Meditterean, press nights and even Madonna concerts, are just a few of the imaginary tales he’ll throw your way. Listen, the fuckboy will promise you a fucking unicorn that shits 24 carat diamonds, if it will get him what he wants. It’s textbook… You know, that thing he can’t read. Be cautious of the overly-used “we” that subconsciously indicates that he sees you as anything more than a blow-up sex doll, with better suction. So before you go packing your suitcase for a romantic weekend in Sardinia, make sure he’s not playing you. ‘Cause while you’re sitting around waiting for his call after spending hours getting ready, he’s probably inside his ex.

Devious facade

While the fuckboy is only ever out for himself – he’ll appear like he has a soul, let alone even knows what one is. Kind of like a vampire, only a bit of holy water won’t turn this egotistical sack of shit into dust. He frequently comes across as a nicest guy in the world, but it’s no revelation that you’re just another notch on his spindly bedpost. He’ll convince you that his actions benefits others, including you, but the selfish reality is that everybody’s emotions are secondary to his own satisfaction.

Everything is on his terms

One of the defining characteristics about the fuckboy is that he likes to be in control. And he’ll use anything from his big dick to his bouji apartment to get you to fall in line. It goes hand-in-hand with his delusion of self-righteousness. While it can be good to have a man that’s a strong decision maker, manipulation is a different ball game altogether. And your input is slung on the back seat with his smelly gym kit. Which is why…

Dates are out of the question

Dates require effort. Thought. Feeling. Seen as he doesn’t care about any of that, the most extravagant gesture you’ll get is probably Netflix and chill. Or maybe just YouTube and a hand-job. *Eye roll*. If a guy is truly interested in being with you, he’s happy to go on a date without rushing into sex; it doesn’t always have to be the end game of every meeting. Don’t get me wrong, ain’t none of us here nuns, but there’s a reason he wants you to drop your knickers without taking you for dinner…

He doesn’t respect you

A man that respects you is the first step to finding a keeper. It doesn’t matter how charming that smile is, how thick that eggplant is or how bulging the bank account, it all means nothing if he holds you with less regard than he does his emotions. Certainly don’t expect man to be going and deleting his Grindr/Tinder/etc.

His conversations are only ever based on sex

Don’t be surprised if you start receiving Whatsapp messages at 2am, saying ‘What u up to?’ UMM, you know damn well what I’m fucking up to, babe; I’m asleep. Or being carried home from a dingy cocktail bar by my best mates, but that’s neither here not there. It’s a diversionay tactic to prevent him from discussing his feelings, but also because a mattress bitch is all he values you for. And that’s nothing to do with you, those are his issues.

He’s a game player

The fuckboy thinks his love life is a game of poker, mate. One minute he’ll blow hot, the next minute, cold. It’s his way of preventing you from getting too close, but also from moving on to anyone else. It also enables him to use you when he needs something, and serve you a slice of pie when he doesn’t. So don’t be surprised if he goes from licking up your crevices, to “too busy” to see you for three weeks.

FINALLY: The fuckboy thinks he’s cool AF, but when it boils down to it that’s just another symptom of his self-delusion.

So what do you do if you fucking with a fuckboy? Well honey, that depends what you want from life/a relationship. If you’re a weak thot that’s content with being some douchebags doormat, continue… If you’ve got an ounce of self-respect and know you deserve the best of a man out there, you move on. It don’t matter how good that dick is, or how much he denies playing you — you can do better. Do let him make you believe any less – that’s exactly what he’s counting on.

[Image credit: Gayguys.com]


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