Grindr have announced some new features coming to app following an onslaught of criticism regarding their safety and security measures.
Users will soon be able to “unsend” messages and photos, which will delete the content from both parties’ chat history; much like that of Whatsapp. Another measure they’re implementing prevents users from using their screenshot feature on photos profiles and messages – this will attribute a level of safety to the location of users in countries where being LGBTQ is illegal or dangerous. Although it will also prevent the sharing of dick pics to the group chat. It’s a feature similar to Snapchat which notifies the recipient when they’re photo has been snapped to the camera roll.
Along with this, Grindr has released a Holistic Safety Guide, which is a long-overdue manual designed for users to take safety measures when hooking up online. They deem “holistic safety” as “an approach that integrates digital security, personal safety, and self-care into traditional security management practices.”
Regarding our debate last week, as to whether Grindr or its users were responsible for their safety, it’s evident that Grindr agrees: as a platform they have a duty of care to their customers, writing: “Safety is not merely the responsibility of users, and Grindr is continuously seeking to develop and improve its security features—not only to protect users, but also to provide them with critical safety information needed to ensure a safe experience.”
Tips within the guide include which appealed to all users included: Avoid Excessive Drug and Alcohol Intake, Take Care of Your Mind and Body, and Let a Friend Know Where You’re Meeting. Those in LGBTQ-unsafe places are advised: Hide Locations, Secure Grindr and/or Camera Roll with a PIN, and to Avoid Browsinng Online via a WiFi Hotspot.
There are also fictitious scenarios to illustrate how which are using the app’s new features can benefit users.
Jack Harrison-Quintana, director of Grindr for Equality, said in a statement, “We are so proud to introduce these new security features, along with the Holistic Security Guide, as we continue to promote safety and justice for our users around the globe.”
“We are grateful for the feedback from users and the various organizations and activists around the world who have helped us to continue improving the quality of life for Grindr users.”
[H/t: OUT]
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